Friday, February 25, 2011

I wanna be....

just like YOU! (says Abby to her sisters....)

and yes, I do think she is a little young to be coloring!

the garcia four - looking their best

doesn't Abby's finger point remind you of the iconic Uncle Sam wanting "you" to join?

mary "stylin'" it out in Mommy's boots

Gabs... always ready for a pretty smile

Mateo.. showing one of his many karate "mooooves"

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

the results are in!!!

Take a peek above their pic's to see who they are... were you right?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

spring fever

Is it possible to have spring fever in February? Don't we at least have to wait until March? The trio were infatuated with the groundhog seeing his "shadow".... (thank you, preschool...) So it was important for us to watch the news the morning of 2/2.

And since the winter seems to have been LONG (and cold)...the trio have been pretty antsy with staying in the house. Enter "extra-curricular" activities. I thought for sure we had a few more years before we were inundated...but I was wrong. In addition to having preschool in the mornings on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, we now have Karate on Tuesday and Thursday nights, as well as dance on Wednesday nights. And playdates? And soccer sign-ups for April? And now they are asking me about piano... YIKES! My head is spinning just thinking about all of this!!!

So if I go a week or (longer) in between blogs, emails, and phone calls... at least you will know why.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

**** POLL*** check out their EYES

the garcia children at 12mo..
can you guess who is who??? (poll on left)
I think it is obvious they all have their dad's nose!





princess belle & batman

Previously mentioned batcave has been a huge hit in the Garcia house. And it is so awesome to see the three play so nicely together. On this day, Batmen (yes, 2 of them) were helping to save the princess Belle's... (again, 2 of them.) You can never have one of anything in this house.


A true testament to "I can do it myself"... and yes, they can indeed, bowl by themselves. I wish blogger would let me upload the videos... and I will keep trying. But for now, you'll need to rely on the fuzzy pictures.

this was just too good of a picture of PA! (he had just thrown a strike!)

my vincent van goghs

now, they have got some talent!

ahhh.... being a boy

... says Mateo on his way into the bathroom.... "my p*nis can do a lot of tricks." (felt I had to censor the word)

Well, Mateo... not sure what your Daddy has taught you... but you had better keep those tricks in the potty.

(Lou and I are STILL laughing about this one...)