Thursday, May 27, 2010
little miss 90
ISR swim...test day 2
Again... all three did a great job on their "swim in winter clothes" test - even in winter boots!!!
I am so proud of Mary, Gabby, & Mateo.... in just a short time they have come a long way...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
ISR swim... test day 1
go gabby....go!
all three did great on day 1 of testing.... their "summer clothes" swim....Monday, May 24, 2010
famous Toe
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
ISR swim...week 4
In just the last few days, Mateo and Mary have gone beyond my expecatations in the water. Mateo is a total pro - so comfortable in the water and with a constant smile to prove it! They are so far ahead that our instructor is showing them how to "dive for toys (or a key for that matter)", jump off the edge, and swim to the stairs - for safety.
Gabby is slowly but surely making strides towards getting over her fear of the water and is finally producing a pretty good float.
Great job - kiddos!
Monday, May 10, 2010
ISR swim...week 3
Swimming isn't just all hard work and no play..... and yes....the trio are still making strides at the pool
toe's helicopter
mary's gentle rollback
gabby's blast-off
wishful thinking