Monday, March 30, 2009
another "favorite" mommy moment
Sunday, March 22, 2009
what's wrong with this picture?
Although many of you have the disadvantage of never seeing the trio's nursery, I think that common sense in most cases will point out the obvious. Utter chaos.
1. obviously, mateo is still awake
2. the room darkening fabric (normally located between (yes, between) the blind and the glass of the window behind mary and gabby's crib) is now on the floor - at the foot of mateo's crib.
the culprit??? no one was giving up any names...
3. mary is sleeping on the lid to a plastic tub that houses the stuffed animals (see close up below)
4. said tub is located at the foot of mateo's crib. how did mary end up sleeping on it?
5. mary is naked
6. gabby is 1/2 naked and has chosen to try and save face by putting her shirt back on before mommy catches her. alas, shirt is on backwards. (see close up below)
7. mateo's blue blanket is now tied around gabby's crib... yes tied...not to be easily removed
Friday, March 20, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
happy st patty's day
So... the latest crisis isn't even the naked hiney's (and yes, Mary is now teaching Mateo how to take his clothes off. I have found him a few times with his pants down and shirt stuck over this shoulders as he isn't quite deft enough to remove it completely).
It is that they don't want to nap. We are on day 2 of no nap. They sit in their cribs for the almost 2hrs and talk, strip down, jump up and down, throw books at one another, and scream.... but do not nap. And come dinner time, they are a MESS because they are so exhausted. Today I attemped to tire them out this morning, AND put them down for a later nap... but to no avail. As I type this, I can hear them on the monitor.
I am afraid (gasp) that they may need to be separated at nap time. They will not like it....but desparate times call for desparate measures... and if the next few days don't improve, then we may need to resort to some stiff sleeping arrangements!
peanut butter & jelly
Anyway... the trio did learn how to do a somersault (see Gabby below) and they enjoyed what Mama called their "tumbling" class. Now that it is over, what will we do? (Better yet, how will Mom figure out a way for the trio to burn the same amount of energy off?)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
naked hiney strikes again
Last night, during my nightly routine check on the sleeping babes, I thought I felt skin on Mary's back...and after a quick rub realized that she was sleeping in the buff! And that was with a zippered jammy AND masking tape. Sigh.
And yes, we thought that this might be signs of wanting to be potty trained...but nope... just boredom and defiance. :)
Saturday, March 7, 2009
atomic dog
He is one crazy boy. He loves (and I mean LOVES) to dance to music. I was beside myself laughing when I noticed he was doing a dance with the jammies I had yet to put on him. (Did you note the girls attemping to put their jammy bottoms on in the background?)
God this kids rock my world!
snow flurries???
Plows don't exist in VA...and snow (ahem, "sand") trucks are few and far between. It took Lou several attempts to get out of our drive... 3 attempts to get a running start up the hill that leads out of the development... and a skid through a 3way stop... Whew...good thing we are talking about before the roosters crow! (Perhaps he is going to use this as an excuse to get some wheels that can actually drive in the snow?? His 1994 volvo just won't cut it in the winter weather.. I can hear the reasoning already starting....)
The trio were infatuated with the snow. And when it finally melted, Mary was beside herself.
Getting ready to head out for some fun. And yes, I taped plastic bags aroudn their legs since we didn't have any snow suits.
You can tell by the "crying" faces that once the snow hit the flesh, it wasn't as fun anymore...
What better way to finish off an out-door outing than with some yummy hot cocoa!