Has it really been that long? Who do I talk to about adding more hours into the day.... there just isn't enough time to accomplish the list of never-ending tasks that I need to complete!
I apologize to all of you that follow the blog and haven't seen a posting in awhile... things are getting to be busier and busier with each passing day.
At least I should have some good photos for you to peruse in a few...
The trio are doing well...each growing more and more into their own individual and striking personalities. Just today, as I was watching Gabby "shimmy her toosh" as she headed over to the bathroom to wash her hands, I thought about how funny and cute and amazing that this child is -to be so excited to wash her hands that she needs to do a little dance...
And Mateo... his dimple gets me every time... and he knows it. Every time (and I mean
every) he does something he isn't supposed to do, he flashes that award-winning smile and all is forgotten... and Mary...her deep, reflective brown eyes melt my heart like butter. She is my hoarder now... has to hold every cup, toy, hat, bowl, spoon... that she finds.