Tuesday, August 26, 2008
congratulations, daddy
new furniture
"wrong" on so many levels
I have always wondered how the contestants on "funniest home vidoe" always caught that exact moment on tape... and yes, maybe theirs was pre-fabricated.... but I got lucky.
The trio were insane tonight. We had rushed home after a gelato break at an outdoor mall and they were covered in sticky hoo. Between trying to clean them up (to the best of my ability) and get dinner ready, they were running around the main floor like gang busters. All 3 were screaming at the top of their voices...not to anyone or anything in particular...but just to scream and communicate with one another. Maybe it was too much sugar... or maybe it was due to a lack of a nap. I don't know... they were just crazy!
Finally, I thought... I need to get the camera out and catch them running around and screaming... and like I said, I got lucky.
This video clip has it all. I hope you get a kick out of it... and make sure to watch for the random acts...those are the best.
And although I don't go through this EXACT senario every day, life with triplets is entertaining to say the least.
and yes... Gabby WILL kill me years from now...
whose willing to come down and visit? any takers?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
trip to Cleveland.. summer 08
It was great spending so much time with our Grammy & Pa, Lolo & Lola, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins... (not to mention great Aunts Liz & Ginny, and Great Uncle Bob.. and 2nd cousins Marissa & Jay.) And we can't forget our friends...those that were friends with the babies...and those of my friends that I actually got to see and talk to!
Our trip consisted mainly of eating, playing, and visiting - see below headings. We went to at least 1 park every day and had a treat of ice cream or popcicles every day as well.
Coming back home to VA is going to take some adjusting!
kiddie park
Monday, August 11, 2008
greetings from Cleveland
We made it safe and sound to Cleveland and have enjoyed our past week+. The kiddo's have really adjusted to their new surroundings, although naps seem to be non-existent. I was hoping to post a few pics to wet your appetite, but I wasn't able to reduce the pictures enough on the computer I am using so - no such luck.
Oh well... lots to see late next week when we return back to VA!