Monday, April 30, 2007

mommy & me x 3

We went to Mass we all got dressed up (for once!) and had to take some photo ops.

Still working on our "routine" (nothing is ever routine with soon as you think you have a "fix" or something that works, they go and change it on you!!! ) of oatmeal/milk for breakfast, bottle for lunch, bottle and veggies for dinner...and then a bottle as a snack.

We still have our colds...although are feeling much better.

Can't wait to see just one short week!!!!

"smile for the camera" - mary on left, gabby on right

"sure, I will smile for you daddy" - gabby

"do I dare show an expression? no....gotta keep working on my poker face" - mateo

"it wasn't me" - mateo with mary (why is it that the babies are always climbing on each other? either they are learning to love one another...or the trouble is now starting!)

"yes, sam, i DO like green "beans" and ham.... did someone say ham? where's the ham? all we got were stinkin green beans!"

Monday, April 23, 2007

happy babies

The babies are just over 4.5months now...and really starting to show personality! The girls love to giggle and coo...and it doesn't take much to get them to smile! We are up to two meals a day (oatmeal and veggie) and drink between 7 & 8oz at a time!

Right now, we have our first colds...but we are doing better....and hopefully will be all recovered when we fly home to see everyone in May!

" Seriously, Mom. Are you serious? This is how you want me to look when I go to the grocery store with you? Can you at least get the bigger size hat that Aunt Allison gave us so that I don't look so smooshed? This is wayyyyy to tight for my big head!"- Mateo

"My daddy calls me chubby.... so what if I have big cheeks???...they make my smile look so much better!" - Mary

"I am the expert at picking my head up while on my belly... now if only I could master the rolling over part....." - Gabby

"Oatmeal is not so bad..." - Gab

"You're right, isn't so bad!" - Mary

"I like it, too...but only if Mommy holds me and feeds it to me" - Mateo

Thursday, April 19, 2007

cousins come to visit

Back in early April, our Schwartz cousins, Tyler, Justin, and Shayna came to visit, along with their parents, Eddie & Michelle. Below are pic's that they forwarded along....

I liked meeting my cousins! - Gabby

Friday, April 13, 2007

I did it!!!!!

We have had an exciting few weeks in the Garcia home!

Both Gabby & Mary have "accidentally" rolled over from their tummies, onto their backs. Gabby has done it 3 times now, and Mary just once....but soon they will realize that they can do it at will and Mommy had better watch out!!!

THE WEIGHTS ARE IN - At yesterday's 4mo appointment: Mary @ 13.5lbs, Gabby @ 11.75lb and Mateo, the "winner" @ 14.1lb!!! The scrawny one has now overtaken his sisters!

We have also started rice cereal (although it was too not sure you can actually call it "starting") and have gone into our exercauser for play time.

We smile, talk, coo....and yes, love to drool and suck on anything in sight!

Can't wait to see everyone in just a few short weeks :)

" I'm not sure what to do in this contraption, but since Mom and Dad are calling my name while holding that funny flashing thing, I guess I will smile and appear entertained." - Gabby

"Since they won't feed me anymore (7oz is the limit).....and I need something to suck on, my thumb will have to do." - Mateo (or as our 3yr old friend, David, calls me, "Tato")

"This stuff doesn't taste like anything! But I do like to eat I will take it!" - Mary when trying rice cereal.

"For the love of Pete, Dad, stop trying to teach me how to be resistant to my sister's attempts at climbing on me! Even though it is Gab, she is still too heavy!!!!" - Mateo (thank goodness it wasn't Mary that he put on me this time - whew!)

"Yes, I really am a ham for the camera.....and the bunnies were just too soft for me to ignore." - Mary

"I am very good at holding my head up!" - Mary

"So am I, big sister!" - Gab

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Happy Easter!

We wanted to wish all our friends and family a Holy and Blessed Easter!

Thank you to our cousins: Tyler, Justin, & Shayna for their visit...and gifts of the soft and cuddly easter bunnies!!!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

chillin' with mom

we like this king size bed - so much room to spred out! it is so relaxing to just "chill" with mom!
(l-r mary, mateo, gab)

yes...we ARE happy babies in our bumbo's! (especially when we are looking at daddy!)

fine mom...I'll just do it myself! - Mary