Wednesday, January 24, 2007

coming up on 7 weeks!

Our Dr. visit went very well last week - the babies are growing by leaps and bounds!!! See below... We have had a very good visit with Grandma "lola" and Grandpa "lolo" Garcia!!!

weighing in at this corner at 7lbs 5oz ....hailing from sunny jacksonville florida... gabby "they call me little bitty one" garcia

weighing in at this 7lbs 5.5oz....also from the sunshine state... mateo "i am eating more than my sisters and gaining more weight than before and sometimes whine but everyone spoils me because i am the boy" garcia

and lastly...weighing in at this corner at a whomping 8lbs....the heffer of the group...from jacksonville florida....mary "simba (aka chubby)" garcia

grandma is helping us with tummy time and to learn to pick up our heads

out first big photo opportunity! we had a photo shoot at the house yesterday, but the gloomy weather (isn't this supposed to be sunny florida???) didn't help much...we were exhausted and decided to just poop out on the bed!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

yes...we are still alive!

Just a quick post to say..."yes, we are still alive!" It has been a while since the last post and we are still trying to establish our routine...of eating, burping, changing...and play time.

Tomorrow the babies will be 6wks old and on Friday, we have the "big" Dr. appt where we get our shots and find out exactly how much weight 4oz of milk every 3 hours equates to!

We'll post again then...with hopefully some new pictures!

Friday, January 5, 2007

time flies by so fast...

People ask "what is a day like with triplets....."

They were eating every 2-2.5hrs...but now we can stretch them to every 3-4hrs. They have increased their feeding amounts and are now each taking about 3oz per feeding. (Compared to 25cc's when they were born! 3oz is 90cc's, so they have tripled their feeding amount!) Feeding can take between 1/2hr to an 1hr...depending on how hungry (and quickly) they want to eat and if we are "double" feeding the babies. I pump every 3-4hrs...which leaves only about 1-1.5 (if I am lucky 2) hours between feedings to accomplish something... such as a nap (much MUCH needed), 30 bottles to wash, laundry, emails, phone calls, etc...

Although they don't eat at the same time of day every day, we do wake and feed all three so that they keep to the same schedule. Besides that, we fit in all the chores when we have time...

I can't believe that they are already 4wks (yesterday) and today was my real due date!
They are getting bigger every day!!!

Thank you Aunt Melissa for these adorable "pea in a pod" tshirts..
Gabby, Mateo, Mary (left to right)

Thank you to our friends in China that sent us "bunny by the bay" outfits - Gabby

Thank you to our friends in China that sent us "bunny by the bay" outfits - Mateo

Thank you to our friends in China that sent us "bunny by the bay" outfits - Mary

"Uh, Dad... I was comfortable in this car seat until you woke me up!" - Mateo

Houdini strikes again... how does Gabby propel herself around so easily?? This happened within 2min of me checking on her!

"Do we really have to like each other?" Mateo & Mary